From “Ice Castles” to “Ice Princess,” Hollywood has portrayed figure skating as brutally competitive, self-centered and often catty. Darlin Baker’s innovative new semi private group teaching methods offer a refreshing alternative to old-school methods that de-emphasize traditional concepts of good sportsmanship and personal growth.
By supplementing traditional private training sessions with level-appropriate semi private group lessons, Darlin has turned figure skating into something that looks and feels very much like a team sport.
As a result, her recreational students enjoy the social aspects of afternoon classes at the rink, while her competitive students encourage and teach each other. Darlin’s traveling competive team of advanced skaters shines as an example of how these methods work. Not only do “Darlin’s Darlins” pass USFS tests and enjoy frequent victory in competition, they support and applaud each other as friends and teammates, even when they must compete against one another.
Whether the goal is mastery of skating for fun, enjoying competition or becoming a USFS Senior Gold Level skater, Darlin Baker teaches the skills necessary to achieve it in a positive way that makes the journey as fun and valuable as the reaching the destination.
contact Darlin for Private & Semi Private Lessons